Tag Archives: laparascopy

Another Opinion

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So a few weeks ago I had a saline sonogram done as a requirement of doing IVF. Basically they flood the uterus with saline and do an ultrasound to check for any polyps, adhesion’s, scarring, or just anything abnormal that may cause an embryo from implanting in the uterus. After all, implantation is key with IVF!! My saline sono didn’t show anything out of the ordinary, but I did have some complications…

I had a different doctor (I typically see the same RE) do my saline sono and I kinda think it was a blessing in disguise. There was difficulty with actually performing the test. There were issues with getting the catheter through my cervix — because I have a narrow cervix (first piece of new info) — and being able to push enough saline into the uterus to get a good picture to rule anything out. 3 tries later, the doctor got a good look and by this time I’m quite uncomfortable.

During the actual test, the doctor talked to me about my IF history. I had seen him a few times before in the past year and he had read through my chart so that he actually familiarized himself with my situation (not all doctors do this and you just end up going over all you health history). During my sono he informed me that I have an anteverted uterus (second piece of new info). This means that the top of my uterus is tilted forward. I asked if this created issues with TTC and he said no, but with any tests I have done, he recommends a full bladder as the bladder sits on top of the uterus and will position it better.

No problem, anteverted uterus, that can be overcome. After my saline sono was finally finished, though, is when the real issues started. They sat me up slowly so I wouldn’t pass out, I felt fine and he left the room. Then the pain, nausea, and dizziness hit me. I had to lay back down. I had tingling in my arms and legs and I was brought back to my younger years when my cramps were so bad I would miss school and usually ended up vomiting from the pain. The nurse gave me a shot of Toradol for pain and Zofran for nausea and I laid there on the exam table for a good 45 minutes before I felt well enough to walk and go home. Thank goodness Jim was with me.

Before I left the doctor and the IVF nurse came to see me. I talked with the doctor and he asked if I had ever experienced those symptoms before and I explained to him how my badly my periods were when I was younger and how it still occasionally happens. He thinks I have a mild case of endometriosis (third and most important piece of new info). This is where the endometrial lining of the uterus somehow grows on the outside of the uterus and, in some cases, other nearby organs. The only way to actually diagnose it is through laprascopic surgery. Which I decided against back in May because my RE said “you don’t fit the profile.” And if you don’t get where I’m going with this long ramble of a story — endometriosis is a cause of infertility.

I was pissed at my regular doctor after we left the appointment. I feel like she brushed me off. But at the same time I feel like someone actually listened and there may be a reason why I haven’t gotten pregnant. The doctor that gave me a second opinion said that we were on the right track with IVF and he hoped the best for us. Because of all the complications I had during my saline sono, I will need to have a mock embryo transfer before the actual IVF so that we can resolve any issues there may be before the actual transfer. I pray that this IVF is it for us. If not, I’m thinking about requesting this doctor to do a laprascopic surgery. We’ll see…

The Ultimate Oxymoron

My journey (with my husband) of infertility and (hopefully) finding my way to the joy of pregnancy and mommy-hood.

Still a Mama Wannabe

Journaling my journey through infertility and IVF

Finding Fertility

My journey (with my husband) of infertility and (hopefully) finding my way to the joy of pregnancy and mommy-hood.


a new mama trying to stay on the good side of health

Laughing IS Conceivable

My journey (with my husband) of infertility and (hopefully) finding my way to the joy of pregnancy and mommy-hood.